Saturday, March 26, 2011

[Funny]“True”truffle chocolates

A month ago,  an interesting piece of news, which was about Truffle chocolate. The Department of Health sampled Truffle chocolates, and they found that inside the Truffle chocolates didn’t contain truffles. As a result of it, The Department of Health asked stores who sold Truffle chocolates stop selling them. After announcing this policy, it really caused uproar. Because Truffle chocolates originally don’t contain truffles, what it called is related to its look. It is called truffle chocolate just because it looks like truffle. Every one loves eating Truffle chocolates, but have we thought of why it called Truffle chocolate? Actually, before watching this news, I believe most of us didn’t know it.
Few days ago, my friend Josh saw this news, a funny idea came into his mind. He decided to make “true” truffle chocolates! Yeah, you are right, he made truffle chocolates which contain truffles! Now I am going to share with you how they taste!

Well, it tasted very special; I mean the truffles, because the chocolate itself tasted just like those which don’t contain truffles, haha.
When you eat the truffles, the in-mouth impressions of it tasted a little bit like taros, isn’t it funny?
The little white parts are truffles, isn’t it special?

To compare with those fake truffle chocolates, I also took some photos for you to compare. In fact, I don’t really mind weather it contains truffle or not, I just care how it taste!  


  1. Personally, I love chocolates(those bitter ones are not inluded). I don't care whether or not there is truffle, either. However, if truffle chocolate is not as luxury as the advertisement said, they should adjust the price. Your photoes make me hungry!!I look forward to your new articles^^

  2. wow!!I really didn't know that there are not any truffle in the truffle chocolate before i read you blog. It such a intresting news.And you guys really do the test to make the truffle in the choclate. I would like to taste it to compare it with the fake chocolate. but i think maybe iwould prefer the fake truffle because it don't cost so

  3. I really like to eat trffle chocolate!! So are my parents, they always go to "costco" to buy this. Before reading your artical, I thought it has been called 'truffle' is because it's as treasure as truffle. So, i'm wrong eventually...
    Honestly, i don't know what's real trfful looks like~"~
