Monday, April 4, 2011


Every time when I feel upset or depressed, there is always a voice come to my head, it is always singing that“這是一首簡單的小情歌Yes, I believe some of you must have heard of it. The name of the song is“小情歌”.And the singer of this song is“吳青峰”, actually he is belong to a famous band calledSodagreen.They are really famous in Taiwan and especially to people in NCCU since most members of this group had studied at NCCU.Sodagreen. The feeling in that moment can only be described by one wordamazement! How can a person singing like this? Is this voice belonging to a man or a woman? The voice is really special and impressed. Although it sounded a little bit weird, it did impress and interest me greatly! Owing to the curiosity to this band, I bought their second albumLittle universeI was deeply touched, how can his voice so soulful that felt like he was singing the feeling inside of my heart. At that time, I suffered from serious depress. By listening to this song, I felt understood and cured. It is a feeling like that someone knows your story and understands your feelings. And the feeling of being understood is really great and important to a frustrated person. I love this song, its lyric is meaningful and poetic. When you listen to it, you can not only savor its diction but deeply touched by its melody. I have listened this album a thousand times and also a super fan of Sodagreen. Listening to their songs is definitely a feast to your mind.
So today I am not going to introduce who they are but share some of my individual feelings about them. It can be traced back to five years ago when I first time heard the song of


  1. This is also one of my favorite songs from Soda-green. And I like Chinfeng’s voice very much, too.
    Chinfeng’s voice is soft and 細緻的, it is like singing to his beloved one.
    When he sing the paragraph "You’ll know, even if heavy rain turned the whole city upside down, I would embrace you "(你知道 就算大雨讓整座城市顛倒 我會給你懷抱), it feels like when it is raining and you lightly lean on the shoulder against your lover and give each other a warm and loving hug.
    I don’t really know what I’m saying, but his songs really touch the right chord.

  2. This song is melodious and inspirational, and I especially love the piano part.
    Chinfeng’s voice is kind of unique, and it is his voice that gives the song its spirit. If listening to the vocal only, a feeling that there must be something wrong will pop out. However, if putting the vocal together with the music, an incredible harmony will then be created. How interesting!!
