Monday, May 2, 2011

[Life]The little and sure happiness in life.

After the horrible earthquake in Japan, people start to think thatWhat is the thing that really important in life?if you are going to die in the next second. People start to cherish the happiness which near by but seldom been noticed. Since that you cannot make sure what will happen in second, the only thing you can hold may be the sure and little happiness in life; as a result of it, there is a new word created to describe this kind of happiness, it is called“小確幸”.
This kind of happiness is very little but sure, it is none about money, wealth, success, fame… etc. It is the real thing in your life that makes you feel happy and warm, like a cup of milk tea in a cold day, help from passerby…etc. I think it is quite important to us, we always try our best to get success, and we are always busy working, spending most of our time to realize some material success in life. But we seldom appreciate the people who accompany us and the things we already had. Take me as an example, in past, I used to be a person who always complain that I never have the things I really desire, I used to take others kindness for granted, and I never think that I feel happy. Until one day, I saw this word“小確幸”on the magazine and knew the meaning behind the words, I finally realize the reason why I am always feel unhappy and even upset. The answer is really easy, because I seldom see what I have, I always focus on the things I don’t have. After understanding the problem in my life, I try to appreciate everything in my life; I try to appreciate the consideration my friends and family give. For example, when I eat a delicious cake, I feel lucky and thank the feeling of happiness I have in that moment. It’s really easy but works a lot to change my life. I feel more happy and blessed. I think it is also a good way to live more positively and live a better life. 


  1. There are many kinds of little things in our life,some is sad,and others are happyines.But we can't choice which things will happen in our life.All we can do is to think in a positively way,so that we can maintain our good mood.

  2. Thanks for introducing this sweet word!
    Recently, a man predicted that there would be a big earthquake in Taiwan on May 11th. Some believe him; others think it ridiculous. And I start to think the sentences you wrote “you cannot make sure what will happen in second”. I’m planning get back home and celebrate Mother’s Day in this weekend because I get the idea of my小確幸 is spending holidays with my parents. :)
