Tuesday, April 26, 2011

[Book]59 SECONDS Think a little, change a lot.

Do you believe that it will only take you 59 seconds to become a popular person?Well, honestly speaking, this is the reason why I borrowed this book; its name is too amazing! Can you imagine that after you read this book, you are going to be a better person? Do you think that it works? Since I love reading this kind of psychological books, I borrowed it and read it at the first sight. It is quite interesting reading this book. It teaches me many useful tips to change some habits in my life. Reading this book is quite interesting. There are 10 chapters in this book, each chapter has 2~3 tips teaching you how to be a better person in a specific way. And every tip is feasible not like other incentive books just underlining theory. This is quite important, because if you don’t think that it’s feasible, how can you believe that it really works? I do implement some tips in this book and surprisingly they work! For example: there is a tip called Keeping perfect diary it encourages you to write down your daily life in 5 days and each day has its own topic, you should write down things that are related to the topics. I did it a week, and as the consult in the book that I really think and live more positively than I was! I f you like to try new ways to live a better life, this book is quite worthwhile reading!  


  1. The title of this book is really amazing. Who don’t want to spend little time changing to be a welcomed person? Thank you to introduce this book. I want to borrow this book from library next time, and I also want to try the example in it.

  2. Seldom do I read these kind of books. I prefer to read the books like fictions and novels. But the name of this book is quite amazing, it only takes 59 seconds to make you become better. Maybe I will have a look this book when I go to the bookstore next time.

  3. Wow! This title is really interesting and attracting! I have read this kind of books before. And I think it’s better for me to read one chapter or one tip a day. Since of it, I can experience all the tips deeply and think whether it’s suitable for me or not. Ha! Ha! You make me want to read this kind of books now! LOL

  4. Wow! The title is soooooo cool!! And the cover page is also cute!!! I admire you that you do really try the tips on it!! Because I seldom follow any advisory tips since I would forget it very soon...
    Anyway, you must love reading very much:) Cuz I noticed that there's another book under the book you introduced LOL
